Friends, I am excited to announce that my premier novel, The Coin, is being published and is set for a pre-Holiday release. The Coin is a dystopian political thriller. A brief summary is:
In a post-WWIII dystopian world where China and her proxies reign supreme, freedom-seeking patriots who challenge authority are hunted, while whoever possesses the Coin wields the ultimate power of life or death.
Here’s my ask. Would you be willing to join my book launch team? Members of the launch (or street) team are asked to do five specific things:
1. Join my private Facebook page
2. Read the book (I’ll provide an advance PDF copy)…or read as much as you can pre-launch
3. Prepare a short review for uploading on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Apple iBooks, etc. (we can help you with that)
4. Buy the book on the launch date (or pre-order, where available)
5. Be active on social media chatting up the book, encouraging others to buy or consider buying the book, and otherwise creating “buzz” during our launch week
These actions are to be coordinated with the official launch date. That date will be announced soon.
Will you join us? If so, please respond in the comments section below or via messenger directly to me. We’ll then invite you to become a member of our exclusive Facebook group.
Thanks so much for your consideration. I hope you’ll join me and others on the launch team!
P.S. Oh, one more thing. There will be prizes for active launch team members…details forthcoming on the private Facebook page.

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